Sep 24, 2012

World Can Be Your Oyster

Multiple locations and learning new skills multiple times is going to become the norm

 The year was 2000. My friend Satish’s company in Bangalore was acquired by a large US semi-conductor company, and he was asked to relocate to the Bay area. Satish did not fall into the “right out of college,  going to do MS and explore the world” category. He had a family, with two young boys and a wife who was a practicing architect. But move to the US he did, for he could see that his role in business development would not grow further if he insisted on sticking to Bangalore. He needed to go where the larger market was, and he needed to be close to the executive team, if he wanted to continue to be relevant in the new environment. The more interesting part of this story is not Satish, but his wife Kajal. Kajal had graduated from an architecture school in Punjab, and had been designing homes and offices in India for a decade.

When she landed in the Bay area, she realised that the architecture profession offered very different prospects in the US.  A majority of homeowners bought existing homes, sometimes as old as 40 years, and just redesigned the interiors. Builders of new homes were large publicly listed companies who mass-produced new homes. So, custom building of the kind that we see in India was restricted to the very rich 1-2 per cent, and the rich had a marked preference for international names when it came to choosing an architect.

So Kajal had two choices - she could choose to work for a large architecture firm as a lowly, bottom-of-the-rung architect, or she could look at a completely different profession that had far better prospects in the area she had chosen to live. Kajal was smart, and chose the more difficult route of re-inventing herself in the changed circumstance. She went back to college, did her Masters in IC design,  and restarted her career as a semi-conductor design engineer!

Whenever I hear rumblings around jobs, I think of Kajal and Satish. Jobs, and that too the right jobs,  don’t fall into your lap. You make them making some not-so-easy, proactive, moves.  We, in India, have had a great run for the past decade, with GDP growth rates sprinting up to a high of 8.5 per cent in 2010-11 and the economy expanding on almost all fronts, be it agriculture, manufacturing,  infrastructure or services. But in the recent past, the global slowdown and a weak political leadership put the country back on a downward slope, with a sharp decline in the growth rate to 6.5 per cent for 2012.

The stalled growth implies that jobs are going to be more difficult to come by as corporates, both in the public and private sectors, tighten their belts to survive the slowdown. Owing to the economic slowdown, the number of new jobs created is estimated to fall by a whopping 3 million this fiscal, according to economist Bibek Debroy. A survey by the recruitment firm Manpower reveals that India’s employment scenario is the weakest in the last three years(2010-12). And industry body Ficci states that the waiting period to find a job has increased from 2-3 months in earlier years to 9-10 months today. Many job seekers are settling for junior roles (ref: The FMCG sector has been badly hurt by the tightening of purse strings by individual consumers in urban markets. The telecom Sector has had its share of woes, with the cancellation of 2G licenses and uncertainty surrounding all policy decisions.  Many JVs like Etisalat and Sistema, that were formed during the telecom boom period, have either already closed shop, or planning to do so in the near future. The insurance industry has had its share of layoffs, with Future Generali cutting 30 per cent of its workforce and closing several branches.

But there is a paradox here. Even as we talk of layoffs and job cuts, there are 50,000+ open jobs at as of today!  E-commerce companies have taken off, with a well-funded new entrant entering the fray almost every quarter. Most of them are struggling to hire high-end marketing folks, the ones who are going to get them the right number of clicks and views. The same telecom companies, which are going slow in India, are expanding in Africa at almost the same pace as they did in India in the late '90s and early 2000’s.  It is the same story with infrastructure companies.  One of my clients recently landed a large  $100M+ multi-year water project in Sri Lanka, as the country starts rebuilding its post war infrastructure.

If campus recruitments portend any trend then the picture looks even rosier, with the IITs recording a 10-20 per cent jump in salaries in the 2011-12 hiring season.  Companies like Facebook redefined the rules by hiring in India for their US positions,  at a similar compensation ($115-130K) as they would pay for US undergrads.  It was the case with other hot technology employers like Google and Microsoft, who have begun hiring in India for positions in the US, Europe & Asia.

So there are jobs to be had, provided we have the right skills, and the mobility to move where the jobs are. On the one hand, the globalisation of talent that pundits have been predicting for a while is now a reality.  The US is on its way to pass an immigration reform law, which will automatically grant green cards to its highly qualified MS and PhD students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), so that it can meet growing demands of its high tech companies that are facing difficulty in hiring. Singapore has, over the last decade, tailored its recruitment and work visa framework to become the preferred high-skilled talent capital in Asia Pacific. The republic issues highly skilled workers an Employment Passes that allow them to work in the island. Their dependents, i.e. spouses and children, may also pursue employment in Singapore via the Dependent Pass, and may over the years be eligible to apply for the Singapore permanent residency status.

Africa is another attractive growth story. The emerging economies tag is quickly getting passed to the sub-Saharan African economies from the likes of India.  Africa, in many ways, is where India was in the 90’s post liberalisation. Africa’s collective GDP, at $1.6 trillion in 2008, is now roughly equal to Brazil’s or Russia’s, and the continent is among the worlds most rapidly growing economic regions as per the latest McKinsey report. Telecommunications, banking, and retailing are flourishing. Construction is booming. Private-investment inflows are surging. Most of the skills that we developed while building the Indian economy would be very relevant and easily transferrable to the new growing economies in Africa and Asia. Sometimes these opportunities may be right under our nose. Indonesia, for instance may surpass Germany and the UK by 2030, to be the world’s seventh-largest economy, generating $1.8 trillion in annual sales for agriculture, consumer and energy companies by that year as per McKinsey.

India is yet to wake up to even have a direct connecting flight to Jakarta.  Same is true for our neighboring countries like Sri Lanka, where the Chinese have a bigger presence than Indians. So all these are new opportunities, provided we have an open mind and willingness to move. Again this is not like the earlier days, when Indians did go to Africa/ West Asia etc., but more for the money and less for the job.

Now we are talking about getting better quality jobs, in places that have so far never figured in our landscape as promising locations.  When Indians go to work in these places, other Indian businesses like schools, restaurants, etc. will follow suit, as it happened in West Asia and even the US in the past. But all of this can only happen if we are willing to re-imagine ourselves to think beyond the US and the UK.

On the other hand, technology is redefining what we have hitherto understood as literacy.  In the recent past, every conceivable industry, be it retail or media or education, has been “technologised”. Soon it would be hard to be a good teacher, doctor or journalist, if you do not know computers. Technology is no longer the preserve of software engineers sitting in front of terminals in back rooms. It is becoming a key skill and attribute, in the same class as reading and writing, for the white-collar professional. Computing and digital literacy transcend specific positions and industries as our lives, learning, and work increasingly involve technology and the Internet. No longer do we have the luxury of “liking” or “not liking” to learn this key skill, just as we cannot choose to drop language from our learning repertoire.

For majority of us who are well into our 30’s and 40’s, this implies significant effort in re-training and re-skilling. It requires changing our mind-sets too, as many of us have resisted being hands-on with technology as we have moved up the ladder.  But it may not be as hard as it seems. Learning opportunities have multiplied manifold today, with world class institutions like MIT, Stanford, Penn, Princeton etc. conducting classes online, welcoming people across the board, young and old, rich and poor, white, brown or black, to register online and learn.  At no time in the past did we have access like we have today, to content and teachers.  We only need to be willing to put in the hard work and dedication that learning something new requires.

The 21st century work place will demand that we break our mental barriers. Moving across multiple locations, and picking up completely new skills multiple times in a single career, is going to become the norm.  The key personality trait that will define whether you stay relevant and land the right job(s) will be flexibility and adaptability. Are you ready?

Sep 1, 2012



STARTED MY career in the 80’s, when a majority of the girls around me chose to get married and settle down to a full-time ‘home-builder’ role. Blame it on ignorance, or destiny, I found myself in a sales executive role that demanded a significant amount of travel and external meetings — percent definitely not one of your predictable 9-to-5 jobs in the air-conditioned confines of a corporate office!

Having got into it, I soon realised that I thoroughly enjoyed the thrill of traveling, meeting new people, and ushering computers into the Indian workspaces. I reveled in competitive make-or-break negotiations, and nail-biting finishes. No wonder then that I did do very well in that unconventional role.

Imagine my surprise when my boss, during my second annual review asked me if I would want to consider moving to a more suitable back-office, support role! He was being considerate, assuming that I would soon get married, and would need more time for my family. Perhaps he was right, but I was livid. All I could see was my prospects for reaching the top vanish forever. Even that early in my career, I realised that business roles that directly impact the topline were the pathway to the top, not support roles.

Women, have been forced to make such choices early on in their life — percent right after they finish high school and after landing their first jobs. The result of this shows up glaringly in the gender-based income disparities even in the private sector.The average annual income of a woman is $1,185, less than a third of a man’s at $3,698, in corporate India, as per a World Economic Forum report published in 2010-11.

The same survey, based on responses of 60 of the 100 best employers in India, showed that women employees held only 10 percent of the senior management positions in two-thirds of the surveyed companies. We don’t even need formal surveys to show this, as it is very apparent that there are only a handful of women who make it to executive boards or any position of power in India.

While girls outshine boys year after year in school exit exams, they do not charge ahead to compete for the most coveted seats in iits or iims. Even the Civil Services that offer a highly secure and structured work environment attracted only 195 from the fairer sex, out of a total of 910 — percent a measly 20 percent share in their most recent recruitment drive in 2012.

All this implies that the withdrawal and gradual dropping out from lucrative
professions and powerful jobs starts early on in a woman executive’s life. This is true even in professions like medicine that are considered ‘women-friendly.’

Women dominate nursing while the higher paying specialties such as cardiac surgery, neurosurgery etc are predominantly male-dominated. And this is just not true for Indian women, as a recent study done by Mathew Bidwell, a Wharton School professor, and Roxana Barbulescu, a McGill University professor, demonstrates.

They chose 1255 men and women graduating from an elite mba program in the US as their sample. Their study showed that women are less likely to apply or accept Wall-Street type finance jobs or management consulting jobs and are more likely to take up internal marketing and finance jobs. Of course, the jobs they discard are the higher-paying ones. Not surprisingly, they found that the decision-making in women’s case stems from three factors.

One, women prefer jobs that offer them work-life balance; two, women are often reluctant to apply for jobs that are seen as masculine; and three, women tend not to apply for jobs where they feel their chances of success are low.

If we take it that Indian women would also be using somewhat similar factors in their decision-making, it would explain a lot of gender segregation in India. Flexi-time, work-site crèches, and better infrastructure etc-- facilities that are crucial for women are woefully inadequate in India. Add to this, constraints around personal safety and you have a more complicated picture. No wonder women overwhelmingly vote to take up jobs that address these concerns, leaving out salary and growth prospects as ‘nice-to-have’ considerations, rather than ‘must haves.’

We hear a lot of discussion in the media about what can be done to reverse this trend, or even move the needle a little towards bridging this gender gap. Others question the need to change this, as it appears that women themselves are choosing to compromise. What’s wrong if women prefer to play ceos at home rather than at the workplace?

Do we count the number of men who don the apron, or choose to bring up kids? Are girls better off not spending their adolescent years cramming for jee, as most boys from middle-class homes are expected to?

Perhaps, we are missing the wood for the trees. Our measurement metrics are skewed when we decide to measure success only in terms of power and position. What about the number of women artists? How about teaching, which has always attracted women in droves? Should we assume that these statistics are irrelevant as their salaries are not what the investment
banker and the management consultant make?

In 1972, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the ruler of the tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, coined the phrase Gross National Happiness (gnh) to measure how well his country and its people were doing. This was, and continues to be, a radical departure from the gdp-based measures that every other country chooses to measure its progress by. However after four decades, the UN recently woke up to have a conference in April 2012, attended by over 600 countries, to consider applying gnh as a model of national growth in place of a narrow, purely commercial benchmark.

What if we, in India also look at gender parity through a similar lens? Can we change the framework to measure whether women are as happy as men in place of measuring whether they are earning as much as men? In one such study (the Global Attitudes Survey done across 44 countries & 38000 interviews- by Pew Research Center it was discovered that women, whatever be their position in the corporate hierarchy are much happier than men, at least in Japan, India, the Philippines, Pakistan and Argentina!

Doesn’t that say it all? At least women are evolved enough to realise that happiness is not about landing the best-paying jobs!